Jacqueline Ma / Brand + Operations Manager

Naturally inquisitive, Jacqueline is intrigued by the possibilities and flexibility inherent in design. She gets inspired from travels around the world, steeping herself in new cultures. She is the keystone to the team, bridging the gap between design and image,...

Emma Burdett / Creative Director

Emma brings a natural sensibility to her work, enjoying the organic evolution of ideas through design. After nearly a decade of experience in the industry, she admires the discipline that goes into the design process. Emma finds herself most at peace when immersed in...

Lillian Wu / Principal

Lillian Wu, founder, and principal of Lillian Wu Studio (LWS) began her interior design journey at Parsons School of Design, then went on to work with some of the greatest designers in New York City before building her own design company. She pushes boundaries and...